Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Heart of the Home...

My favorite space in the home is the kitchen - it's where I had my best memories as a kid and I hope to re-create similar memories with my children.

all images via Pinterest

I just love the soothing colors and functionality of these beautiful kitchens!
What's your favorite room in your home?


  1. Hi Desiree,
    You are so right about the kitchen. I am trying to provide the same great memories for my son as well. The kitchen is the heart of the home.


  2. Hi Desiree-
    I love all the photos of these gorgeous kitchens. My favorite room is also the kitchen because of all the memories made there, but I LOVE my living room because it is truly MY room with all my favorites in there:)

    Have a lovely night.

  3. Gorgeous kitchens. We spent must of our time in our family room and kitchen. That was our favorite space, where our family gathered.

  4. What incredibly beautiful kitchens you've posted.
    Pinterest is my best friend! Merci for sharing.

  5. I completely agree,the kitchen is the heart of the home:)
    I receintly got myself a huge table,with plenty of room/space both for my family and for my childrens friends...I want to create a home were guests always are welcome around the table.It's were they do homework,hobbies...and on the wall their paintings and other creations hang...so my kitchen is also an art-gallery:)
    You show many beautiful kitchens,very inspiring!
    tove :)

  6. Me too!! I cannot wait to be in mine to start making some memorie ( and good food) my best memories also were always spent in the kitchne helping my mom with holiday dinners or helping her prep for a party, such happy times:)

  7. You are so right about the kitchen it's where I spend my off time, I'm always in here even blogging. You've shown some really beautiful kitchens and love the neutral tones.

    Enjoy your day!

  8. oh desiree, you've made me so happy this morning! i needed these images as i'm a little overwhelmed with the re-styling underway. sometimes it is about SUBTRACTING to reveal beauty, right? i love your eye and really really wish you would come here and do the house for us. hard work!!

    love to you.


  9. YES I so agree that the grays and natural tones are what give me soothing comfort. I cannot be surrounded by clutter or color that is TOO LOUD. Although I have nothing against color, I prefer these clean tones and WOW what an array of photos you have today dearest! THANK YOU FOR VISITING and your comment is just dear to me. I am home sick with time on my hands. NOW is the time for me to write and compose but what happens when I get this free time? I FREEZE!!! But thank you for your comment for I do want to write a book. What, I am not sure. But poetry is where I am veering these days, but I think that the little steps I am taking are getting me closer to the vision. Thank you again for confirming that!


  10. wow....i love these kitchens.
    especially the 8th image.
    just so different in feeling,
    i would like to be there.

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