Thursday, November 17, 2011

... Treasure Trove

I can't not tell you how much I love 18th century Swedish Antiques!  One of my favorite Swedish antique dealers in Atlanta is A. Tyner Antiques - here I was able to locate a beautiful Mora clock, which has been my favorite piece in my home.
I just recently came across a beautiful blog which has a treasure trove of beautiful images of 18th century Swedish antiques!  I can study this blog all day - it's call Master Henricks.  Below are some images from his blog, showing images of his beautiful collection of 18th century antiques collected from his home in the South of Sweden... enjoy!

all images via Master Henriks

Don't you just love the simple, soothing design and aesthetic of Swedish design?  Nothing to me speaks beauty more than the Gustavian period.


  1. Thanks for sharing. This young artist/musician is endowed with great sensibility, aesthetics, and knows how to appreciate what is of real value.

  2. O wow thank you for sharing, my heart litterally jumped on seeing that first image of the original jut bench...and then of course kept on racing through the to see more what this talented man shares with us. Have a lovely weekend
    Greetings Colette

  3. So I am not the only one drewling over at Master Henriksen?*lol*
    He sure knows How to find the perfect things,doesn't He?
    A mora clock is on the top of my wishes for x-mas by the way....But I have a feeling I have to get it myself!I am sure when the beautiful day comes and I finally own one,I will love it and treasure it highly!
    Wishing you a Lovely weekend!

  4. A. Tyner is a fabulous place for Swedish antiques one of my favorites and everything is reasonably priced. Lovely post and I've never heard of the other person so I'm off to check him out.

  5. Oh how I love Swedish antiques and this collection is wonderful. I adore the desk and chair!! Happy Friday ~

  6. All of the furniture and rooms were breath taking beautiful! Thank you for sharing today.

  7. I adore this look. Just posted it on our blog. I want to paint everything this color blue!

  8. i can't get enough of this style and look. gorgeous gorgeous like the blogger.


  9. thanks for giving credits!
    have a great week
