Friday, November 4, 2011

Wishing I Could Go...

One of my dreams I'm dying to make happen in the next couple of years is to take a fabulous trip with Kit (Chic Provence Design Tour).  I have seen images of some of the beautiful places they see: homes and villages filled with simple, earthy French county architecture; spaces that are elegant, decorated with the perfect accessories in muted blue-gray tones that echo the lavender country side.  I so wish I could go...
So Kit - I will be seeing you in person sometime in the near future, after I get a life and stop building homes.

image taken by Kit Golson (Chic Provence)

image taken by Kit Golson (Chic Provence)

image taken by Kit Golson (Chic Provence)

 image taken by Kit Golson (Chic Provence)

Most of the above images where taken by Kit when they stayed at Hotel la Mirande.  This particular hotel was once a castle built for the Cardinal in 1309 AD.  It has been tastefully restored and designed by the Stein family - as you can tell it's perfection.  The Stein family wanted guests to feel as if they were staying in the home of an old family from the Provencal aristocracy. 
This hotel is just a small sample of some of the beautiful places you will see and stay at when you travel with Kit (Chic Provence Design Tour)!


  1. wishing I was there..again


  2. This has me dreaming in a big way of going away too!

    Hey how about a big bloggers convention and we all meet there!!!!

  3. This looks like a tour I'm going to have to make time for. Sounds like a game plan...bloggers convention!

    Enjoy your weekend Desireé!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Desiree! thanks so much for this wonderful surprise this morning! Yes I am putting the final touches on Spring 2012 in Provence... and I do think it would be a fabulous Bloggers' Retreat :)

    So lovely to visit your blog, as usual. Everything is so beautiful!



  6. Amazing idea. Wish you guys enjoy the trip..
