Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Holiday Vignettes...

This holiday season has been bitter-sweet when it comes to decorating.  I'm missing my Christmas decorations, but at the same time it's nice not having to break out all the boxes of decor - one little Charlie Brown tree is good enough this year while we build our new home.
When I came across these gorgeous holiday images, I started to miss my holiday decorations.
I love random vignettes of decor around the home - each space having its own distinct whimsical feel.  I also love Christmas dinners and seeing how friends and family decorate their dinning tables.  I guess for now I'll just have to live vicariously through computer images:

all images via Affari

How do you like to decorate?


  1. L'esprit de Noël s'est glissé dans ces décos si raffinées ...
    C'est magique
    Belle journée

  2. Awww Desireé soon enough you'll have your own things back but in the meantime make the best with what you have. I love these images because this is how I like to decorate, simply. I don't like a lot of clutter in my living area but love the festive mood and love greenery.


  3. Just love these beautiful images! I agree with Acquired Objects...adore the simplicity. And, maybe without all of the holiday decorating:( , you will cherish the true and magical meaning of Christmas even more! Next year will be so special in your new home!

  4. o my goodness. i love the spare, rich, airy feel in all these images. honestly, since we live so spare, we do bring out extra stuff during the holidays, but after a month or so i am ready to go back to bare. white lights are always necessary! no red lights! greenery. apples. lambskins. xmas music, rosaries, and pure hearts.

    love to you.


  5. So beautiful, almost magic images!

  6. So many wonderful images. I love the picture of the chair. It would make a beautiful painting.

  7. Such gorgeous decor and soulful pictures. Everything so artfully displayed. Great job!
    We'd love to have you share at our linky party.
    Hope you can make it!

  8. Gorgeous photos! Wonderful inspiration. Thank you for sharing.
