Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Since my husband and I have been building in Midway, we have been constantly up and down Provo Canyon enjoying the peaceful twenty minute drive.  
One thing that has been noticeably different is the climate change - WOW what a difference!!! 
Midway is not only beautiful, but the air quality compared to the valley is staggering!!  For years we have been breathing in the worst pollution due to the inversion in the winter.  For the past week we have been waking up to mucky-filthy air; you can't see the sun for days!  When we take our drive up the canyon it's like breaking through a wall into the most beautiful, sunny, peaceful valley. 
Now I know why winter has been so difficult for me - it's awful, but not in Midway!  I can't wait to get up there! Recently I have been trying to get my Mother/ Father-in-law to build a home up by us.
 Below are a compilation of images that remind me of Charlene and Brent and what their home would look like... hint hint:

I'm so lucky to have the BEST in-laws!
Love you Brent and Charlene Ashworth!!!


  1. That's so funny, i was just thinking the same thing and how lucky I am to live in this clean valley air :)

  2. Midway is a beautiful place, my mom was raised in Kamas, love that whole area up there. I know what you mean about the air..we lived in Kaysville and I remember 4 months of inversion, so depressing. We moved to Wayne Co. we built 2 homes here in this high mountain valley (7,000 ft.) everyday we have sun! Love these beautiful images! :D

  3. Midway wonderful place I really want to live there or in a similar place, but my husband work doesnt allow to do it (

  4. I am loving what you are loving!! All so beautiful....love the colors used in that first kitchen...fabulous!

  5. I know what you mean about air quality living deep in the country we have such clean air. You can smell the pine trees and the freshness. Every time I go to a city I can't wait to get home and if I had these settings waiting for me I would probablty never leave my abode. Beautiful post!

  6. thanks for visiting and entering to win the throw! Isn't it such a beautiful blanket!?! :-)

    Oh and let me know where you shared the giveaway news so your entry is valid! Again, I love all these photos...I especially love the head board (@ least that's what it looks like?!) eighth pic down of the kitchen table...how clever is that?!?!

  7. Thanks for sharing such beautiful images once again!
    Have a great holiday!!

  8. i don't know anything about your neck of the woods, but i do know since moving away from the chicago area into the country, the sky seems huge and so clear without pollution.

    oh my, these images all knock me out. super clean and chic. i am ready to move right into that cottagey paradise in the last image...what a charmer!

    love to you.


  9. Desiree as always, you find the most stunning images! thanks for all the inspiration, and here's hoping your in-laws are smart enough to build by you.. sounds like a magical place!

    Have a wonderful warm Christmas and healthy New Year!


