Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Interpretation of Dallas...

So I have this darling sister named Dallas!  I have blogged about her before, but I just love this girl - her art, the way she sees life and her amazing spirit... she's very dear to me.
Specific things I love remind me of her, so when I came across this amazingly beautiful home in the South of France I was taken - this is so Dallas!!!  
Dallas loves to explore how things evolve, so her take on design might be all little different.  For instance the way this home is decorated - the bones are true to its history, but notice how they used it as their canvas.  The juxtaposition of traditional with contemporary, the amazingly whimsical paintings on the wall, the refinement of the kitchen, the quirky furniture in the front yard... everything is a dream and it all works!
This is how Dallas sees the world!  Everything unexpected and exciting draws her in, along with the beauty in simple things.  She is always creating something out of nothing.  
The world is Dallas' canvas!
Below are images that remind me of Dallas:

all images via Living Agency

Love ya Dal Dal!


  1. What a beautiful way to see your sister. Judging by these rooms she seems colorful, lively and warm.


  2. love the first pic as well as the bathroom. Your sister sounds vibrant and interesting. I am a new follower.


  3. Looking at these images your sister must be creative and fun. Wish I had a sister!

  4. Irrésistible et magnifique demeure ...
    Belle journée

  5. Your sister I am guessing is elegant, loves great quality but has a fun and eclectic side too. Love the pictures!

  6. The kitchen is awesome. Very nice post.

  7. What a gem! If this is your sister, she has fabulous tastes!

  8. what a cool tribute to your sis...the place is unexpectedawesome and oozing with personality.

    tres tres bon!

