Thursday, January 10, 2013

Bright and Cheerful...

Having one of those sluggish days where I try to get things done, but I feel like I'm going in circles... haha!  I think I could use a good dose of vitamin D, which the clouds are not allowing at the moment!
Found these amazing images which made me happy... I love bright and cheerful!

sigh... feeling much better!

I hope you're all well and enjoying the season!


  1. all so beautiful! I'm feeling better now too :)

  2. Love these images and those cherry blossoms! We're getting some amazing blue/gray skies here but ready for some sunshine too. Thanks for the hit of bright!


  3. I can see why they cheer you up! Been feeling the same way, bleh. You and your bright smile always cheer me up, Des, and I haven't seen you in awhile!

  4. oh i love the stone cottage! wouldn't that be incredible to build, own and pass down!?! i bet you're making progress--being a mama is tough work!

    hoping you'll feel energized tomorrow.


  5. These images make me realise how much I love an indoor/outdoor life, not fancy, just in the right place.
