Sunday, February 3, 2013

Simple Moments...

Just spent the weekend in sunny Scottsdale, AZ with my hubby and was able to visit a dear friend!
We ate amazing food and shopped brilliant stores - it was stimulating on every level.  
During lunch we talked about the importance of living in the moment and embracing family and relationships more.  Nothing brings me more happiness than my family and friends - they make life so much more meaningful and I'm grateful for them!

Loved these simple pics:

Hope you all have an amazing week filled with magical moments!



  1. LOVE the crochet rocks!! Great pics Dez.

  2. Desiree, youralways positive nature is reflected in your mind, your lovely face, your happiness and not least in your wonderful pictures. You are an enviable person. I just try to live my life as John Campell advise..but this is an other story and would be a good subject to discuss.

  3. Such true and meaningful words, shared , thank you, have a lovely week! Colette

  4. ahhhhhh. the stones dressed in crochet! such an evocative image. meet me in scottsdale, woman! i'm there all the time!

    smiles to you.


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