Saturday, May 17, 2014

Industrial Chic...

I love coming across brilliant lofts that tells the story of the owner.  Joan McNamera is brilliant when it comes to mixing neutral tones with hints of industrial and chic elements.  These are the perfect combinations when added to that perfect vintage find.

The perfect LA loft!


  1. ha! i'm blogging about joan's loft this week too! how smitten are we????? love.


  2. Wow. Perfect loft! This Industrial design is not just a simple yet gorgeous and attractive loft I have ever seen so far! I’m truly in love with the furniture used most especially the chairs. The wood and metal are an attractive combination! Gorgeous!

    Sebastian Chuter

  3. Interesting use of garage door-as-wall, although it probably wouldn't be so good in a climate where bugs were an issue. It's a nice mix of super hard-edged industrial and older soft-traditional.
