Thursday, June 18, 2015

Purity And Function...

Lately I feel that a lot of what I see at home shows have become either over-thought or over-designed.
Everything seems to be trend-driven, which to me is a waste of money. 
When one designs from their heart and not their head, their environment becomes a reflection of what's inside of them.  Purity and function to me is "real life".  
I love the quote, "The universe cannot resist authenticity"

... be true to who you are


  1. Buonasera Decor de Provemce ,
    complimenti per tutte le immagini che ci fate vedere sono stupende! !! Gli arredamenti provenzali, eleganti anche un po ' country! !!
    Sono sempre affascinata dai vostri bellissimi post!!! Vi scrivo dal mio cell.
    il mio blog è :
    um cordiale saluto ...Carmen...Milano. ..Italia

  2. purity and function...oh my, this is a great pair of guiding words for me right now as i gear up to feather a new nest. it seems to me these qualities, along with authenticity, speak to much more than simply interior design. i am so grateful to have you and your gorgeous site on the web. always fresh inspiration to keep me engaged and energized for the next project. peace to you right where you are.

  3. doesn't fit purity and function to the world situation? Yes...and I also agree that many people are trend-driven. They decorate their homes like they decorate themselves..uniform without any own ideas.
    I love your blog

  4. Very interesting photographs too, it looks like someone is actually living there instead of being all pristine to the point of being antiseptic. I could go for one of the donuts on the rack in one of those middle pictures! (lots of great items here, thanks for sharing them).

  5. All things PURE and GOOD!

    So,perfect, so real.
    Love all you imspired.

