Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Celebrating Freedom!

Summer is in full swing!  
I love this time of year when family, friends and loved ones get together and celebrate the greatness of our Country.  I'm grateful for the liberties we have that bring so much happiness! 


Enjoy your Summer!


  1. Pretty photos! Have a wonderful summer time :)

  2. Wonderful, inspirational words!
    You have such a talent to chose the perfect images to sooth the eye and the soul. I particularly love the rugs in the last two photos.
    Have a delightful holiday and a peaceful summer vacation.
    I'm looking forward to reading your posts.
    Love from New York,

  3. Belissimo, azul como a cor do mar.
    Tenha um ótimo dia.

  4. happy 4th, friend! i needed this post with its dose of blue lovely, fringe-y sandals (think i will need those in my life!), and organic gorgeousness. keep delivering the gorgeous mix as you do so very well. peace.

  5. Your amazing sis in law! You bring so much inspiration & you are so amazingly talented. I want to be you when I grow up. Love ya
