Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Beauty at Christmas...

Thanks to one of my favorite blogs Merchant Design, I was able to find a treasure trove of 
beautiful images!  Below are beautiful pictures of the home of blogger Froken Knopp.
I love the white and gray which are the perfect "colorless" shades that are endlessly adaptable.
This home is the perfect example of a pure backdrop which allows the simple items to pop!

Happy Holidays everyone!!!


  1. Beautiful pictures but what keeps jumping out at me are the mercury glass candlesticks, I'm loving those.

    Happy Holidays Desireé!

  2. just love your pictures here,your style is so simple and yet cosy and elegant!!!And with a fun twist,love how you've decorated with the different candlelight holders and the hyacinths!;)
    nice inspiration!!!

  3. The photos are beautiful as always and everything looks so clean and pretty. Your vintage look always takes my breath and makes my imagination run wild. Thanks

  4. You have great style.....its relaxed, cozy, inviting and above all else very elegant without trying too hard. Love it!!

  5. Hi~~ These images are so beautiful!! It makes me want do de-clutter the house.I love the clean simplicity of it all. Thanks for sharing. This is one of my favorites:))

  6. glossy white smeg! scrubbed tables! light! i can smell the delicious pine scent emanating from these images!

    hope you are enjoying all the magic and meaning of this season.

    hugs and smiles.

