Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Power of Color...

I know... I know... I'm always posting images of cool hues with pale off-white monochromatic pallets.  It's time to spruce up a bit and blog about the power of color.  The glorious thing about color is its power and abundance of energy and emotion.  How can something so simple have such an impact?!
For me color has been derived from all kinds of sources from my childhood, a treasured object, my Grandmother's home, a special item of clothing, the enjoyment of the simplicity of the sea, etc...
I do love color - only is small amounts.  
Designing with color is all about choosing the feel that's right for you.
The images below are fun and bright and bring happiness:

image via Merchant Design

Image via Affari

via Affari

via Affari

I'm curious - are you drawn more to color or soft monochromatic hues?

Have a wonderful week!


  1. Ooooooh loved this post....smitten with the first image....and adore all the little votive lights...( working on a pst about our tradition with votives, so this was so beautifull to see) have a lovely week and thank you for this "happy" post. Hugs Colette -Afrique du Sud

  2. Wonderful images but like you I like color in small amounts. Which is why I have to wonder what I was thinking when I reupholstered a chair recently in such a bold color! (I posted it yesterday.)

  3. Color all the way.. my store's tag line is "infused with lots of color...Suncoast Style!" Enjoyed your blog, I am now a follower.

  4. Love it! In a world filled with gloom I have to have splashes of happy colors.


  5. I liked the color but somehow the whites are so much more detailed with warmth.

  6. WHoa Whoa wait what??! COLOR??? DEZY????

  7. Now that's some color. It reminds me of something in a fairy tale, a land far away. The colors are very pretty...

  8. i spy turquoise...! and you've reminded me how much i continue to want a leather butterfly chair (or FOUR!).

    gorgeous images, my lovely friend. hope you are enjoying every bit of this magical season where good cheer and the name of CHRIST is everywhere.



  9. I'm drawn to a neutral palette, but these images may be changing my mind!!

  10. Oh! I love the bath but I adore the candles. Thanks for sharing. I will follow on my way out so I know my way to your beautiful abode, i hope you will find the time to come visit me soon and do the same. Whilst I am here I would like to wish a very Merry Christmas and I look forward to engaging more in 2012. Take care. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  11. Oh Desirée ma belle,

    EACH PHOTO EXUDES JOY! I particularly love those cloches with the birds; I have a new design coming in my Etsy that involves birds....many happy wishes for a delightful CHRISTMAS and thank you so much for visiting! Anita

  12. This is delightful. For me, there's no such thing as too much color so long as it is used tastefully. I do believe color makes people happy.

  13. Hello,
    I am asking for permission to use one of your images (colorful candles on mantlepiece) to use for my small art studio. I would ensure that you are credited for the image (and it will provide publicity for your website). LOVE IT.
    Just wanting to ensure due diligence!
    Thanks! Sue

  14. Color is very important for the interior choice. That is the reason I like to use professional programs as to choose the best one. As there are so many variants that the view of every of them is necessary.
