Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Living In Simplicity...

I truly believe there is beauty in simplicity; one does not need much to be happy.  I learn this every time I sell a home and move into a smaller space.  As a family we are more tight nit and I'm not shouting out to my children trying to find their location.  
I have to say, I'm so relieved to know that this will be our final move, not having to uproot my family ever again.  Even though I have loved the creative process - it can be disruptive not only physically but mentally.  Constantly making choices and buying causes me to focus more temporally, which in turn causes me to not live in the moment as much.  My children notice this more than anyone!  I can be playing with them or helping them with a project, but they know when I'm really present.  I look forward to a summer being settled and more present with my family.
I love these images below - they show the beauty that can be created through small and simple things:

all images via Tiny White Daisies

I know there are a lot of images, but each reminded me to enjoy the beauty in the simple things. 
Anyone can turn an ordinary, simple space into something magical and life changing;  this rings true to each of our daily lives as well!


  1. Gorgeous- simply gorgeous. Thank you for reminding us of the simpler things in life are the best! I love these photos - thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Just found your inspiring blog, and I love these images. You are so right in that the simpler things in life are the most special and important.

    Thanks for sharing

  3. I love alot of images! especially the one with the little swan. Moving IS hard. we move about every two years, its getting harder with my girls getting older.

  4. Simple and uncomplicated keeps us focused. Well written and thoughtful post. Glad you are feeling more settled with your family. It's difficult to be up rooted - especially when raising a family.


  5. Une élégante simplicité, le goût du passé revisité avec bonheur ...
    Merci pour ces photos si harmonieuses.
    Belle journée

  6. Know exactly what you mean! We've moved loads of times too and it is incredibly disruptive - to children in particular. Like you this is our forever home and its a great feeling to be finally settled and living in the moment! Love the images above!


  7. Beautiful images.Hope your settled in. We are thinking of moving. I am not looking forward to it. Its a lot of work.

  8. This is why I ditched the city in favor of the country, I needed to slow down and enjoy life. It's the simple beauty that we're surrounded with each day that really makes me appreicate life.


  9. loving the serenity and simplicity of these spaces. i totally agree with your assessment of small vs big. you've expressed it beautifully.

    i can't wait for your new adventure to begin and for those roots to take root!



  10. Oh Desiree I love this post! You really have summed up that fresh country simplicity and I adore that bed with it's sprigged bedlinen - lovely! Warmest wishes from an old farmhouse in England - Glenda x
