Monday, February 27, 2012

An Old Soul...

Lately I have turned into the biggest vintage junky!  You should see our condo - the walls are growing due to all the stuff I have collected for our new home.  My husband struggles, he doesn't have a clue where anything is going - he thinks I'm buying just to buy!  I keep reminding him we have done this before, every time we have sold a home the furniture went with it.  I keep close track of every object and I know exactly where each piece is going.  When I design a home I do it with the furniture in mind, knowing exactly what piece will be highlighted in each room... call me crazy!  Lately I think I really am crazy - building a house will do this to you.
I love these images below... each images has so much history and soul!

all images via Pinterest

Have a wonderful week everyone!!


  1. I am crazy about vintage as well. How amazing that you get a new house with new furniture as well!

  2. Beautiful! Can't help but be inspired!

  3. OMg I write with tears. In the past 5 years I have sold a bed and breakfast, an art gallery and a home...I walked away because everything that was there belonged to that was purchased for that "place"....and so many things i loved and could never find again were left behind. So sad yet so full of joy because they were where they were meant to be.

  4. Such beauty and how exciting to be building up your beautiful objects. Like Pure Vida we sold a farm and contents, which I still dream about and would never again be found. We move on and life is different and less is more.

    A great post


  5. fabulous, Desiree. i know just what you mean. it's the objects themselves that often inspire a room's direction and vibe. happy shopping! i have been shopping my basement storage room lately--omg i could open another shop!


  6. Gorgeous inspiration pics! How fun that you get to build a new home AND fill it with beautiful treasures!!

  7. Oh me too... there is nothing like owning an item with some history. My boyfriend says the more I buy the more we have to move, but with vintage and antique items you have to snap them up while you can!

  8. I adore it all..but if have to choose....the first image, yes! I 'l have that thank you..
    thank you for sharing. have a lovely day.
    hugs&XX Colette

  9. What can I dream away ... your pictures so beautiful ... totally my style.
    I really like to follow you .... look forward to your new post.
    With warm greetings from the Netherlands,

  10. I think the vintage and antiques help a space look different and artistic. Anyone can buy at P.B. or the online go tos, but those unusual things is what makes a place look different.

  11. If you're designing your new home to look anything like these images I can't wait to see what the finished results will look like.

